On Your Mark! A Story of College Life and Athletics Read online

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  Each Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50.

  The Boy Lincoln.

  This is an absorbing fanciful account of the early days of AbrahamLincoln when he was a boy living on the frontier.

  The Fight for the Valley.

  Colored Frontispiece and other Illustrations.

  A narrative of the brave defense of Fort Schuyler and the battle ofOriskany.

  The Spy of Yorktown.

  Colored Frontispiece.

  A story of the Yorktown campaign and Benedict Arnold.

  With the Black Prince.

  A Story of Adventure in the Fourteenth Century.

  The absorbing interest of this stirring historical romance will appealto all young readers.

  Success Against Odds; or, How an American Boy Made his Way.

  In this spirited and interesting story Mr. Stoddard tells theadventures of a plucky boy who fought his own battles and made his wayupward from poverty in a Long Island seashore town. It is a tale ofpluck and self-reliance capitally told.

  The Red Patriot.

  A Story of the American Revolution.

  The Windfall; or, After the Flood.

  Illustrated by B. West Clinedinst.

  Chris, the Model-Maker.

  A Story of New York. With 6 full-page Illustrations by B. WestClinedinst.

  On the Old Frontier.

  With 10 full-page Illustrations.

  The Battle of New York.

  With 11 full-page Illustrations and colored Frontispiece.

  Little Smoke.

  A Story of the Sioux Indians. With 12 full-page Illustrations by F. SDellenbaugh, portraits of Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, and other chiefs,and 72 head and tail pieces representing the various implements andsurroundings of Indian life.

  Crowded Out o' Crofield.

  With 23 Illustrations by C. T. Hill.

  The story of a country boy who fought his way to success in themetropolis.